Europe’s Thirst for Power; AKA Africa’s Struggle With Culture #4

The final step of this unit is the group presentations. For this assignment, each group presents their topic in the format of a brief power point, a videolicious, and an interactive survey. During each presentation, each student is expected to take notes and write a short summary of how each topic relates to the theme “People, Places and Power”. My summaries for each topic are written below.

Native Americans and the West: White settlers assumed power over both a place and its people: Native Americans in the West. Power was assumed by settlers based on their belief that they were culturally superior to the “savages”.

Labor vs Big Business: People with financial power, such as Carnegie and Rockefeller, use other people to gain more power and money. When people in power abuse subordinates, it can instigate revolts. Frick, for example, cut workers’ wages in order to be more successful, which caused the Homestead Strike.

Asian Immigration: Americans assumed a power over Asian immigrants, especially towards jobs. Acts such as the Chinese Exclusion Act were created to discriminate Asians. The place where a person comes from can impact how they are treated and their amount of power in a new place.

European Immigration:  When the Europeans faced discrimination and religious intolerance in their homeland, they moved to another place in pursuit of change. The immigrants suffered poor living and working conditions in America unfortunately. The power immigrants had in America was solely based on the place that they were born and their status as immigrants.

Imperialism in America:  Extreme nationalism and economic power caused Americans to believe they were superior over other countries. The Annexing of Hawaii and Spanish-American War both resulted from an abuse of power.


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